Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reflections of 2011

The year of 2011 brought us some new and intersting options that we once never thought about. Adam was offered a job in the state of Florida where he had always wanted to live. Myself having grown up and lived in Tennessee and that being where our kids were born and all I knew, was so keen on the idea. After much thought Adam accepted the postion without knowing when and where we would actually be moving in Florida. On May 23,2011 Adam left my parents where we had been staying for 2 weeks and emarked on his journey to Florida to find us a home in 1 weeks time. The following weekend our dear friends Steve and Emily helped load up the truck along with other friends and family and Steve took the wheel and drove the beast to our new place in Florida. The trip down was a long one, since we had 5 kids and one of them, being my youngest, was still nursing every 3 hours. It took us 2 days and once we finally got to the road our neighborhood was off of I looked at the trees that had this awful growth coming off of them and said this is where we are moving? Mind you I have never seen spanish moss, and let me tell you its nothing beautiful.....We have now been here for 8 months and it has been a new learning and growing experience for our whole family. There is nothing that will bring you closer together or to God than picking up and moving 720 miles from all you have ever known. It has had its ups and downs but this is a journey I will never regret for the simple fact that I have gotten to know my husband and kids alot more than what I thought I did and it has been great. We are now in 2012 and we will see what great things this year will bring us!


  1. I can't wait to read more!! Your kids are all so adorable!
    Rachel Evans

  2. thanks rachel, ill be adding to it every other day if not every day..stay tuned!!!
